Monday, August 2, 2010

I have had dogs for most of life. German Shepards with the occasional Lab and a couple of mutts thrown in for good measure. They came into our family and stayed for 10 years or so. Some stayed longer, some not so long. None stayed long enough.

I never thought I would travel with my dog. I just felt that a 120 lb German Shepard belonged at home keeping a watch out for out for intruders. You know, squirrels, armadillos, snakes and the occasional raccoon.

In February of 2008, after a long period with no dogs in our household, I found my new friend. An 8 week old German Shepard puppy we named Legend. Our lives changed completely within a few weeks when my husband was transferred 300 miles away. Legend and I began what was to become our regular jaunt to visit and with it, a completely new out look on traveling with pets.

First, packing in a box does not work! Each stop required unpacking the entire box to find the basic items like water, clean up bags and treats, then you must repack before you continue the journey. With each trip that little puppy is growing into a full fledged dog and the items get larger and quantities of food and water grow as well. These trips were beginning to be a hassle, but I loved the company he provided so I decided to design a bag that would give me immediate access to water, treats , clean up bags, and a toy. All other necessities would be placed inside.

Doggy Baggage was invented out of necessity and has proven to be the ultimate travel and everyday organizer. Three sizes are available for any occasion whether it be extended travel or a day at the beach.

Dogs do change our lives in many ways. Legend gave me a new business!!!!


Unknown said...

Doggy Baggage is awesome!

Preston said...

Get start to a new blog! I love to hear why companies start. There are definitely a need for bags designed for us traveling doggies. Mommy has gone through several bags before she found one that works ok with me.