Thursday, August 5, 2010

Packing For Fido

Legend got spoiled early on. Really Really spoiled. He began to believe that each time I headed for the car, a trip was in store and I swear he can hear keys jingle an acre away. The dog LOVES to ride!!!! No matter the length of the trip I always take a few items along because dogs, like kids, are full of surprises.

Water is always an item. I actually designed the pockets of Doggy Baggage to fit a 32 ounce plastic screw top Gator Aid bottle. For drinking,  I pour into a small bowl but it also comes in handy for "wiping up" or "cleaning off" any mishap.

A towel is a necessity.It is probably the most versatile item I carry. It will clean up, dry off, sop up and act as bedding, all depending on my need of the moment. Toss it in the washer and I'm good to go the next time.

Clean up bags. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a dog owner to pick up your mess. Do not leave it for me to step in. Enough said.

Of course longer journeys require more items.Below is a list of items we have found useful when traveling that aren't always considered:

   FAVORITE TOY: can help them feel more secure in strange surroundings.

   ID TAGS: Put your CELL # on this tag!!! When traveling in unfamiliar areas it can be the fastest and  easiest  way for someone to contact you if they find your pet.

   PHOTOS OF YOUR PET: Just in case you need to make fliers.

   IMMUNIZATION RECORDS: Depending on the mode of travel (bus, train, air) you will need to carry proof of immunizations. In some cases you may need a Health Certificate as well. Check with your Vet and air carrier to see what is required. (Doggy Baggage "Pooch Pouch" is perfect to store your important papers for easy retrieval)

   FLASHLIGHT: This can come in very handy during that midnight potty break.

Of course don't for get the basics, food, dishes, grooming supplies, collars, leashes and, treats.

Now that you have the necessities, pack them in Doggy Baggage, and you're ready to go.....Hassle free!


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